Photography Presentation Production

Session Review

During this afternoon session, I created a basic template in Microsoft PowerPoint in order for my teammate and I to have an existing structure to work with and whoever the final photographer we discuss will be included in the presentation.

Moreover, in one of the slides, I want to have four small widget pictures from the photographer's portfolio and zoom in to the picture and then discuss each image without boring the audience with placing hordes of text on the screen.

Furthermore, currently one of the photographs I would enjoy discussing is the 1945 atomic bomb. Since the photographer would have to capture the event perhaps faster than the explosion of the Hindenburg airship.

After a moment of browsing, I learned the photograph of the Hiroshima atomic bomb belongs to a man named Russel Gackenbach who smuggled his camera on to the plane Necessary Evil and he mentioned he captured two shots of the explosion.

Despite the information, I gathered around this picture I still need some technical information on he camera and perhaps refer to my notes and attempt to assume the type of techniques Second Lieutenant Gackcnbach used with his camera. Otherwise, I will have to ask my teammate Georgi to select another photographer that features an explanation of the techniques they used to create that specific image.


By Sebastian Jone
